
Diverse Preschool Education

We have an enriched and developmentally appropriate curriculum grounded in diversity, in which students are exposed to language and literacy, mathematical concepts, Social Studies, Science and the Arts and strives to support a holistic development based on the students’ strengths and interests. Pre-K 4 utilizes the DOE’s Interdisciplinary Units of Study which is research-based, developmentally appropriate and is aligned to the ELOF (EarlyLearn, 3-K)

and PKFCC (Pre-K). We proudly admit all students regardless of their socio-economic status, ethnicity or cultural background.  Our focus is on providing differentiated instruction that builds trust, fosters the acquisition of the English Language and Spanish while promoting each child’s independence.  Our students are assessed upon admission and are grouped according to their age into different classrooms. Each classroom is under the supervision of a group Teacher and an Assistant Teacher. 


Our Programs



Our toddler program is designed to prepare our toddlers for success as they journey through school. Brain development is very important and through a positive and enriching environment, we are dedicated to building a strong foundation to support your child’s emerging sense of self.

With stimulating and developmentally appropriate materials, such as building blocks, puzzles along with dramatic and creative play, stories, fine and gross motor skills activities, songs, and other activities are all designed to strengthen attention span and assist the child to move through all the different stages and ages. Our nurturing staff creates and facilitates a language enriched environment that enables communication and a stronger sense of self.


3k For All

In our 3 – k program we build on your child’s earlier experiences and facilitate their understanding of more complex concepts through exploration, communication, and relationship building.

Our hands on curriculum is geared towards more specific skills and behaviors centered on Cognition, Language and Literacy, Perceptual, Motor and Physical development and Social and Emotional Awareness.

Through teacher engagement children will be motivated and excited, their natural curiosity and creativity will emerge and they will begin to take initiative as they become more aware of the world around them.


Pre-K (4 Yr Olds)

• The Pre K for All Program is sponsored by the NYCDOE for 4 years old students residing in NYC. The program is for 6 hours and 20 minutes daily from Monday –Friday and follows the NYCDOE scheduled closures.

This program focuses on building each child’s independence and expressive language as they work in small groups under the supervision of Teachers that facilitate their learning. We utilize the NYCDOE Interdisciplinary Units of study.

• As stated by the DOE: The development of inquiry and critical thinking is a consistent thread throughout all Units.

• Units provide opportunities for content exploration and skill-building that are aligned with the NYCDOE Kindergarten Social Studies and Science Scope and Sequence.

• Units assist teaching teams in nurturing inquiry, language, and problem-solving skills through their organization of the classroom environment, interactions with students, use of purposeful play, incorporation of books, other texts, new vocabulary, and family engagement practices.

Upon completion of this program, some students are accelerated to Gifted and Talented Kindergarten programs in various schools.



We provide an extended day service for parents who need that service before and after school. This is a paid service and includes days that are scheduled NYCDOE closures. During aftercare, your child will be kept engaged through storytime, painting or crafts, and music and movement.

Before-care service hours 6:30 AM – 9:00 AM and After-care service hours are 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM.

Extracurricular Activities



Building creative and aesthetic movements aimed at developing confidence and high self-esteem. Ballet class is an extracurricular activity and is held once per week. Children perform twice annually at the winter and multicultural event.



Music helps to foster all areas of a developing child and enhances skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. Music is fun and helps the body and the mind work together.

With our keyboard as the main focus, along with other musical instruments, children will build their listening skills while unearthing their creativity.



Children are engaged in a minimum of 1 hour of indoor/outdoor physical activities daily. On their assigned GYM day they are attired in their gym uniform which allows for greater flexibility.



Our program participates in the Child and Care Food Program and requires the completion of an Income Eligibility Form Program serves 3 Nutritious servings daily.

Breakfast 8AM – 9AM

Lunch     11:30Am-12PM

Snack     2:30-3:00PM

  • Meals will be prepared by chef who holds a food handler’s permit
  • Kitchen is daily.
  • Teachers serve each child individually after washing hands
  • Children  wash hands before and after meals

We believe in eating the rainbow, so our meals are nutritious and balanced, minimizing processed food. Food is prepared by a fully certified staff and served immediately to students.  

Our Program participates in the Child and Adult Care Food Program and serves 3 nutritious servings daily.

Breakfast 8-9am

Lunch 11:30am-12:30am

Snack: 2:30pm-3:00pm

Some Programs and Features:


We strongly believe that our health is in our hands. Students are expected to describe the importance of washing their hands, and demonstrate good hand washing techniques throughout the day.  All staff and children MUST wash their hands:

  • upon arrival to the program
  • after touching body secretions
  • after coughing/ sneezing
  • after gloves removal
  • after using the wash room
  • before and after eating 
  • while serving meals and
  • before exiting the last program’s activities

Family Engagement

Every child is unique in every way and no one knows them better than parents and close family members/caregivers. It is against this background that we believe in building strong relationships with family members and having a strong school – home collaboration with teachers working closely with parents to achieve academic goals and social and emotional needs. Here at Sunshine Learning Center Inc. we cultivate and celebrate diversity to help each child develop a positive self-image and realize his or her full potential as individuals and members of a diverse community. Family engagement includes but is not limited to:

    • Two- way communication
    • One –on – One Parent – Teacher conferences
    • Sharing Curriculum, Schedule and Calendar