Health and Safety

To prevent the community transmission of COVID-19 at Sunshine Learning Center, Inc.

To maintain a safe, healthy, nurturing, and enriched childcare facility.

Compliance with the CDC’s  FOUR CORE MEASURES:

  • Stay home if you are sick: ALL staff and children MUST stay home is they are sick
  • Maintain physical distancing at least 6 feet from others.  
  • Wear a face mask/ covering: Protect self and others.  Face covering must be worn upon entry
  • Practice hand hygiene.  Visibly soiled hands must be washed with soap and water; Hand sanitizer is not effective on soiled hands. Hand sanitizer should only be used 2 times after which hands must be washed again.

All classrooms were sanitized and made ready for your child prior to school reopening. 

All classrooms are sanitized daily


ALL classrooms are sanitized daily and are ready for your child.

  • Classrooms were re-arranged to allow for more space in between students.
  • Sneeze guard plexiglass protector was installed on tabletops to prevent cross-contamination
  • Soft toys, dress-up clothing, and area rugs were removed.
  • All toys and equipment are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized and will be maintained as such
  • Our children use hand sanitizer before and after each center activity.
  • Children have their own personalized bin with all their resources to prevent cross-contamination

Daily Health Screening

Daily health and safety assessment is conducted upon arrival, throughout the day, and prior to dismissal.


  • Wears large protective long sleeve smock and face-covering when conducting the screening.
  • Ensures that ALL persons entering wear facial covering with nose and mouth covered
  • wears gloves to clean high touched surfaces
  • Ensures that the 6 feet distances is being maintained
  • obtains responses from the above questions and measure the temperature of all staff and children entering the facility using the infrared temperature scanner.

Call to Action

The Sunshine Learning Center, Inc provides essential services and  complies with and adheres to the 
prescribed guidelines of the Center of Disease CDC,  and our governing agencies guidance regarding the 
health and safety for all in a safe learning environment. Should there be a spike in the COVID-19 infection 
rates that warrant our program closure our call to action will be provided  on our website: 
WWW.SUNSHINELEARN.ORGvia email:  and on Class Dojo:  
School will be closed under the following condition: 
  • If community widespread exceeds CDC’s  guidelines that warrant our closure 

Continuity of Learning

  • Students will continue uninterrupted lessons on Class Dojo and through zoom using live instructions and learning activities each day of the week. 
  • Teachers will continue to monitor classrooms on Class Dojo daily and provide all relevant feedback to assist parents, guardians, and caregivers.